Welcome to Southern Fly Fishers

Located in Highett, Melbourne, Australia, the Southern Fly Fishers was founded in May 1967. The aim of the Club is to support members in the enjoyment of all aspects of the sport of fly fishing, caring for the environment and building friendships through shared experiences. Members span all age groups and demographics and new members are always welcome.

For those new to the sport, the Club holds regular introductory courses to teach the basics of fly fishing. The Club has all the equipment required for newcomers to use on a loan basis before they choose to purchase their own.

Click on the “Be A Fly Fisher” tab to get a good idea and explanation of the equipment needed to pursue the sport of fly fishing.

We are privileged to have access to a custom built casting practice pool (see picture below) that is equipped with floodlights to allow for evening use. This facility allows our members to practice their casting techniques all year round. Members can receive invaluable tuition from Club members who are certified casting instructors and expert casters.

Along with a number of other clubs, Club members participate in competitive casting events under the auspices of the Australian Casting Federation.

Fly tying is another activity enjoyed by many Club members and the Club holds regular fly tying courses which cater to all skill levels and provides equipment and materials for newcomers. 

The Club also has an extensive library of books on a wide range of fly fishing related topics, enabling members to access valuable information to improve their knowledge.

The Club has a restricted Facebook group in which members post photographs, report on their fishing activities and generally engage with each other on matters of mutual interest and a Team App facility for trip coordination.

Southern Fly Fishers is a child-friendly club and we comply with the Victorian Government’s Child Safe Standards. For further information about our Child Safety and Wellbeing policy, please contact the SFF Secretary at: secretary@southernflyfishers.org.au

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