This page has been created for new members to provide some information on the club.

What time are the meetings?
The meetings, held at the clubrooms on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, start at 7:30pm. However, from 6:30pm the casting pool will be open (with lights on in winter). So come down early, practice your casting and get some free help from the experts. The Club Calendar on the website provides details on when the fortnightly meetings are held.

How can I improve my casting?
Come down to the pool on Tuesday evenings between 6.30pm and 7.00pm when regular coaching classes are held and learn from the experts. You can also find some great information on Casting under our “Be A Fly Fisher” page, located here: Casting.

Please ensure that when you are casting, or in the vicinity of the casting pool, that you wear some eye protection

I’m confused by the different sizes of fly fishing rods, reel, lines, leaders, tippets etc?
When you are new to fly fishing, there are so many terms that may be foreign to you. Experienced Club members can help you here and we have also created a tab on the website called “Be A Fly Fisher”. Under this tab, you will find information put in simple terms to hopefully demystify some of the fly fishing concepts. This includes information on rods, reels, fly lines, leaders, tippet and knots

I’m new to fly fishing. Can I come on a club trip?
Absolutely! In fact being on the water is the best way to learn. You’ll have the advantage of having the help of an experienced trip leader who can provide you with any details that you need and will help with the choice of rods, flies and all other information. Please ensure you read our Wading and Water Safety Page by clicking here: Wading and Water Safety.

Where do I find out about the club trips?
All club trips are advertised on the trip boards inside the club rooms and in our monthly newsletter. Pop your name and email address on the list or via details in the newsletter and come along! Speak to the trip leader or our trips organiser if you need help. Note that members under 18 are always welcome, however they will need to remain in the presence of their parent or guardian.

What if I have any more questions?
Feel free to contact a member of the committee on club nights. We are always happy to answer your questions or point you to a more experienced Member who can help.

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