Club Activities

One of the things that our club focuses on is providing a range of exciting activities for our members to participate in and these include:

Club Trips
A calendar of club trips is available on TeamApp, which will be made available when you become a member

Casting and Fishing Competitions
Competition casting practice sessions are held on Tuesday nights. The sessions commence between 18.30 and 19.00 and all Members are invited – whether you wish to practice or get some expert tuition or advice. Notification of attendance is made via TeamApp. The pool also remains open at any time should Members wish to go along and spend some time practicing.

The following links can assist if you are interested in the current Competition Casting Rules, and for the different event Casting Event Layouts. For further information, please contact the Club.

Competition casting is a great way to improve your casting skills and accuracy. If any Member would like to try their hand at competition casting or get a better understanding of what is involved, come along and chat to the instructors on a Tuesday evening.

General casting practice and tuition sessions also continue to occur every second and fourth Wednesday prior to members’ nights and general meetings from 6.30pm under lights.

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